Accountancy training

The chartered accountant: a key role in keeping the company’s accounts!

Within a large or small company, a chartered accountant has a major role. In addition to drawing up the company’s various accounts, he or she carries out several other even more important tasks. The presence of a chartered accountant in…

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Who audits the financial accounts of companies?

Considered as a true business ethic, the application of transparency is indispensable. For a company, but above all, in the context of accounts. If it is characterised by a commandment for a company and its application is real. This is…

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Who manages the overall cost of a project and works with the various trades?

In cases such as renovation work or building a house, several fields work together to achieve the objective. However, project management must be carried out by a construction expert whose speciality is well-known. Design offices and architects are also competent…

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